Available on: Audio Download. Spanish I, Unit 1. German I, Unit 1. Japanese I, Unit 1. Korean I, Unit 1. With that task accomplished, everyone has the necessary physical and mental equipment to go on and acquire additional means of communication languages.
But—and this is the singular and highly complex factor that allows or prevents adults from doing what comes naturally—it is all in the selection and organization of the language materials which are created to manage second—language acquisition. It is no longer efficient for an adult to learn by simply being exposed to other languages as happens as a baby because, being in possession of a fine first language which enables an adult to survive handsomely, there now has to be a different motivating factor as well as a second—language program which is especially prepared to recapitulate—in a special way—the original process of language acquisition for the adult mentality.
It was Dr. Paul Pimsleur who, through many years of research and development, discovered how to select and organize the materials of the second language to fit the one way that the stream of speech of an unknown language can enter the consciousness of the adult and be processed through the language learning power of the human brain.
The Pimsleur methodology, which makes language acquisition happen, looks singularly easy and transparent, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
The science and skill art, if you will of creating a Pimsleur program requires, nay demands, some 2, person—hours of three trained individuals to prepare thirty lessons of a Pimsleur Program.
If you're traveling to faraway lands this summer and don't know the language, then Pimsleur courses are the perfect way to comprehensively learn a language quickly. Browse all of the Pimsleur courses we currently have to offer. Each course includes a sample from the first unit of the course:.
And please download these free language learning lessons to try out the Pimsleur method and learn some basic language vocabulary as well:.
Albanian, Unit 1 Free Download. Arabic - Egyptian, Unit 1 Free Download. Armenian Eastern, Unit 1 Free Download. Armenian Western, Unit 1 Free Download. Chinese - Cantonese, Unit 1 Free Download. Croatian, Unit 1 Free Download. Learn Spanish while you're driving to work. Speak Italian while exercising. Study French while waiting for a plane.
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Search Go Advanced Search. Free Pimsleur Lessons on MP3 A few weeks ago we announced that for the first time ever you can download Pimlseur's comprehensive language learning courses on MP3 audio download.