Thank you for buying the books!! Let take the test and then give your honest feedback. Passing the exam is the only thing that matter. My challenge to everyone who take the exam is to think difference and be difference! Master exam topics with intensive practice in the areas you'll find on the test. All questions are test-level difficulty and focused solely on helping you pass. This indispensable study guide contains the information most relevant to the NAPLEX summarized in abbreviated bullet format.
The Top Drugs Pocket Reference Guide serves as a portable reference to learn the essential information for the most commonly prescribed drugs. This on-the-go resource details the brand name, pharmacologic class, mechanism of action, dosage form, common use, and other clinical details for each drug. Two downloadable practice tests with a total of questions allowing you to pinpoint your weaknesses. Includes: Coverage that is organized around the NABP competencies and designed to sharpen problem-solving skills, put must-know information at your fingertips, and improve exam-taking ability More than case application questions, each with a detailed explanation of both correct and incorrect answer choices Takeaway Points at the end of every chapter that summarize key concepts Two complete downloadable practice tests, each with questions.
Our comprehensive NAPLEX Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. Skip to content. RxPrep Course Book. Rxprep Course Book. Author : Karen Shapiro,Sherry A. Rxprep Course Book Book Review:. Brown,Stephanie D.
Author : Cynthia Sanoski,Amie D. Brooks,Emily R. Chapters are organized to parallel the pharmacy curriculum and appear in outline form for easy use. Appendices include prescription dispensing information, common prescription drugs, and general pharmacy references. Each card includes: Generic and common name Dosage Forms Approved Dose and Indications Off-Label Use Contraindications Adverse Reactions Drug Interactions Monitoring Parameters Medication Safety Issues and Black Box Warnings Strong focus on patient safety Adverse reactions are organized by common, less common, and rare but serious to help you organize your thoughts for counseling patients, and a downloadable audio link enable you to hear key information your device.
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