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Understand the curriculum and categories of the CSWA exam and the required model knowledge needed to successfully take the exam.
Chapter Provide a basic understanding between Additive vs. Subtractive manufacturing. Select suitable filament material. Comprehend 3D printer terminology. Knowledge of preparing, saving, and printing a model on a Fused Filament Fabrication 3D printer. The chapter exercises analyze and examine usage competencies based on the chapter objectives.
Advanced Fixtures Applies symmetry boundary conditions to a flat face. Symmetry Translation in the direction normal to the face is restrained and rotations about the axes aligned with the face are restrained.
Allows analysis of a model with circular patterns around an Circular axis by modeling a representative segment. The geometry, symmetry restraints, and loading conditions must be identical for all other segments making up the model. Turbine, fans, flywheels, and motor rotors can usually be analyzed using circular symmetry.
Restrains a face, edge, or vertex only in certain directions, Use Reference while leaving the other directions free to move. You can Geometry specify the desired directions of restraint in relation to the selected reference plane or reference axis. Provides restraints in selected directions, which are defined On Flat Faces by the three directions of the flat face where restraints are being applied. On Cylindrical This option is similar to On flat face, except that the three Faces directions of a cylindrical face define the directions of restraints.
The three directions of a spherical face define the directions of the applied restraints. Notice that the presence of restraints in the model is manifested by both the restraint symbols showing on the restrained face and by the automatically created icon, Fixture-1, in the Fixtures folder. Use the same method to control display of other Simulation symbols. This action opens the Force window as shown in Figure The Force window displays the selected face where the tensile force is applied.
If only one entity is selected, there is no distinction between Per Item and Total. In this illustration, load symbols have been enlarged by adjusting the Symbols Settings. Symbols of previously defined restraints have been hidden. Check the Reverse direction option to apply a tensile load. Generally, forces can be applied to faces, edges, and vertices using different methods, which are reviewed below: Force normal Available for flat faces only, this option applies load in the direction normal to the selected face.
Force selected direction This option applies a force or a moment to a face, edge, or vertex in the direction defined by the selected reference geometry. Moments can be applied only if shell elements are used. Shell elements have six degrees of freedom per node: three translations and three rotations, and can take a moment load. Solid elements only have three degrees of freedom translations per node and, therefore, cannot take a moment load directly.
If you need to apply moments to solid elements, they must be represented with appropriately applied forces. Torque This option applies torque expressed by traction forces about a reference axis using the right-hand rule. Notice that renaming using the click-inside technique works on all items in SolidWorks Simulation. The model is now ready for meshing. Geometry preparation is a well-defined step with few uncertainties.
Geometry that is simplified for analysis can be compared with the original CAD model. Material properties are most often selected from the material library and do not account for local defects, surface conditions, etc. Therefore, the definition of material properties usually has more uncertainties than geometry preparation. The definition of loads is done in a few menu selections, but involves many assumptions.
Factors such as load magnitude and distribution are often only approximately known and must be assumed. Therefore, significant idealization errors can be made when defining loads. For example, it is easy enough to apply a fixed restraint without giving too much thought to the fact that a fixed restraint means a rigid support — a mathematical abstraction.
A common error is over-constraining the model, which results in an overly stiff structure that underestimates displacements and stresses. The relative level of uncertainties in defining geometry, material, loads, and restraints is qualitatively shown in Figure Geometry Material Loads Restraints Figure Qualitative comparison of uncertainty in defining geometry, material properties, loads, and restraints. The level of uncertainty or the risk of error has no relation to time required for each step, so the message in Figure may be counterintuitive.
However, we need to point out that it is the responsibility of the FEA user to determine if all those idealized assumptions made during the creation of the mathematical model are indeed acceptable. Before meshing the model, we need to verify under the Default Options tab, in the Mesh properties, that High mesh quality is selected Figure Use this window to verify that the mesh quality is set to High and the mesh type is set to Standard.
Use these settings for other exercises unless indicated otherwise. The difference between Curvature based mesh and Standard mesh will be explained in chapter 3.
Now, right-click the Mesh folder to display the pop-up menu Figure Select Create Mesh from the pop-up menu. In the pop-up menu, select Create Mesh.
This opens the Mesh window Figure which offers a choice of element size and element size tolerance. This exercise reinforces the impact of mesh size on results. Therefore, we will solve the same problem using three different meshes: coarse, medium default , and fine. Figure shows the respective selection of meshing parameters to create the three meshes. Show Mesh Parameters to see the element size. In all three cases use Standard mesh. Notice the different slider positions in the three windows.
Verify that standard mesh is used. The medium mesh density, shown in the middle window in Figure , is the default that SolidWorks Simulation proposes for meshing our model. The element size of 5. The 5. If the distance between two nodes is smaller than this value, the nodes are merged unless otherwise specified by contact conditions contact conditions are not present in this model.
Mesh density has a direct impact on the accuracy of results. The smaller the elements, the lower the discretization error, but the meshing and solving time both take longer. In the majority of analyses with SolidWorks Simulation, the default mesh settings produce meshes that provide acceptable discretization errors, while keeping solution times reasonably short. This is easier to illustrate with the 2D analogy of a circle circumscribed on a triangle right.
Right-click the Mesh folder again and select Create… to open the Mesh window. With the Mesh window open, set the slider all the way to the left as illustrated in Figure , left to create a coarse mesh, and click the green checkmark button.
The mesh will be displayed as shown in Figure Figure A coarse mesh created with second order, solid tetrahedral elements. You can control the mesh visibility by selecting Hide Mesh or Show Mesh from the pop-up menu shown in Figure Before meshing After meshing Figure Solid and mesh folders in a Simulation study before and after meshing.
Cross hatching is added to the Solid folder and to the Mesh folder in a Simulation study to show that a mesh has been created. To start the solution, right-click the tensile load 01 study folder which displays a pop-up menu Figure Select Run to start the solution. Run solution Figure Pop-up menu for the tensile load 01 folder. This article has provided all the details about different ways of downloading solidworks with crack 64 bit for windows.
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