Again, thanks for the help. You're welcome. Dino-mite View Profile View Posts. Thanks ronr42, I understood, didn't know in game actually had mod section to enable mods. How about the another game? Why reviving an old thread that already was revived almost 2 years after creation? People still commenting on this?
Lol I figured what was already said would've helped anybody who needed help. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 21 Jan, am. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.
All rights reserved. I've tried everything it wont work. Super Moderator. Jun 29, I hope that does it for you! What launcher version do you see?
Current is Show hidden low quality content. You must log in or register to reply here. Top Bottom. Mehgan Mehgan. The most important point that most answers seem to skip is: When you "purchase a game" on Steam, you actually purchase a personal license to play it. In other words: You don't own the game. You, and you alone, are given the right to play the game, regardless of where the game files exist or do not exist.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Authorize the borrowing account by checking the box under Authorized Accounts Note that two users still cannot play the same copy at the same time. Improve this answer. Sharing might still be in beta, so you might need to follow the instructions on the Family Sharing page to sign up for it.
Also note that you can held be responsible if the other person violates the terms of service in any way while playing your games on their account. This answer has a glaring, vitally-important gap: Unless you signed up for the family-sharing beta months ago, you will not have this option. See Enabling Steam Family Sharing for more info. BlueRaja-DannyPflughoeft Are you sure about that? I have never signed up for any betas, and the option was available to me and usable just a few days ago.
Im not sure if its still in beta but I know they were still handing access to it early this year when I signed up for it — 3ventic. You could always gift it to her account :. Just dont log into the same account on 2 computers at once. Read times Canute Transcendent Posts: Refugee.
Hi, this is for the minority of people who don't use steam for various reason. I discoved some websites which allow to download workshop mods. SteamCMD allow you to download workshop entries with an anonymous login, so you don't need a steam account.
First use the browser, to select a workshop mod. Then use "Add mod to download list" and continue browsing and adding.
Then use "Download" to activate steamCMD and download the mod's from the download list. They auto.