The even more flexible french pdf download

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Checkout as a new customer Creating an account is mandatory to subscribe to our offers. An account has many benefits too: See order and shipping status Track order history Check out faster Create an Account. The Even More Flexible French. Author Viktor Moskalenko. Sample Pages. Choose your edition selectedValues[attributeOption]. I:rbl lt:Jec6 l 1. Vc7 1 2. Vd8 1 8. Vf3 g5 1 9. Vd8 1 6. Vd8 Vf3 tt::lfS!? Also, 1 With the idea of playing Breaking with Black is OK after 9. Petrosian and Portisch preferred the closed line Uhlmann's plan is applicable after 7.

A Against 8. Wh8 a key moment. A more effective plan would have been to activate the queen with l l Alexander-Uhlmann in the finals of the Munich Olympiad. The main idea of Another option is 1 This move always protects the dark squares. White could have gained equality with A hasty manoeuvre. Summary of Uhlmann's plan: The immediate 7. Black's idea is to open up the centre in order to exploit the weaknesses created by g2-g3.

However, I am not sure that this is absolutely necessary. Logically, the main idea behind In the variation with The best reply. After castling White will be ready to engage in action in the centre. This is Uhlmann's plan. Trying to mix.. Pahtz-Uhlmann, W 1 2. A complicated option is This is the best square for the white queen.

A The move 1 5. Now 1 The alternatives are worse. In this game he faces one of the greatest experts on the white side of the Advance Variation. Moves like 1 An ambitious move by Grischuk. With complicated play. We will check a whole series of his games against J:lc1 lLixd6 In general, White gains a lead in development and the bishop pair. In the Now the main threat is 8. In my opinion, this move is forced. The first wins by Sveshnikov are characterized by a harsh punishment of his opponents for their typical mistakes A better option is Vf3 V!

Vg8 ll. Summarizing: In the fianchetto lines Sveshnikov has not demonstrated any advantage or, for that matter, any especially effective plans for White. He gained his points thanks to his opponents' lack of knowledge or lack of attention in the sharp middlegame.

An equivalent alternative is 1 0. Sveshnikov, on the other hand, always brings his army to the kingside. Trying to exchange some pieces. A dubious advance, weakening his king.

However, the two players are playing on different sides of the board. A symmetrical mistake. Why not Summary of the players and plans: In most of his games Sveshnikov wins by taking advantage of his opponents' mistakes, but he obtains positions with no advantage.

Grandmaster Eingorn, a reputed expert and a 'fan' of this line, followed his own concepts: trying to exchange the queens and to simplify the position as much as possible. This is the reason why he made some mistakes at key moments in his games against Sveshnikov. The most successful try was the 'Stonewall' set-up created by Portisch, and later also used by Rafael Vaganian. Focus your attention on the games played by the experts! Conclusions on the Advance Variation: At the moment, and after a long study of the various ways of playing against 3.

I would point out that nowadays the historical move 3. Forcing a counterattack with 5. The solid plan with Siegbert Tarrasch 1 8 1 was well known as an 'anti-dogmatic' chess player in the end of the I 9th-beginning of the 20th century. He was the first to play 3. A Bit of History In the period 1 8 9 1 , Dr.

Siegbert Tarrasch played in Germany the historic first three games with the move 3. But during the rest of his career he mainly played 3. It should be noted that the French line 3. The theoretical question is: where in the French Defence is Tarrasch most conspicuously present? Strategies and Problems 3.

It supports the pawn on e4 and of85 Part Two -Weapons and Dogmas: 3. It is true that it allows Black secondary escapes such as However, as we have already commented, the main aim of this book is getting to understand the genuine French Defence variations. The main problem for Black when facing 3. In order to solve this problem, in Chapters 1 we will check the main lines after In most of the variations in Part Two, the keys that lead to black counterplay are the thematic breaks Exotic Deviations Chapter 1 2 - Investigates modern ideas like Chapter 1 3 - Here we examine This part is useful for increasing the second player's arsenal of weapons against 3.

In he reached second place in the world rankings. He tends to play all theoretical variations without any clear preference. However, when facing the French Defence he used to play 3. In this important key game we will discover some things about the French Defence; and we will try to expose some persistent dogmas and to show some new weapons. Ukrainian top grandmaster Vasily! But against the French Defence. Directions and Concepts In my view I play this opening with black , if Black wants to enjoy the true spirit of the French Defence he should continue As usual, the pressure on e4 forces White to close the centre with 4.

The black knight on d7 is rather passive whereas in the Advance Variation 3. For this reason, Black must attack the centre immediately with his pawns by Qd3 tllc 6 7.

Black can prepare the thematic sacrifice. This is an important resource in the middlegame, but also after the queens are exchanged. In certain cases he prefers to play safer, technical lines, trying to exploit a minimal advantage. This knowledge was the key to my preparation and my strategy during this important game we had both won our three previous games in this short tournament.

A Theory has always condemned Psakhis: 'This once popular move can today only be encountered in the first rounds of open tournaments. Played genuinely! The other knight will go to f3. Black was always considered to be forced to exchange the central pawns before playing.. In return for his pawn, White has an edge thanks to his better development and the good positions of his pieces.

However, things are not clear yet; B I have tested TRICK: 9. Black has several options. This natural move allows the strategic exchange of the dark-squared bishops. See Game The main line is: 1 MilosCapNemo, playchess.

However, Black's plan is Summary of the plan with 1 2 tLlhS : Black has good counterchances after the extremely interesting sacrifice Otherwise, the positions are quite balanced. Gurevich, Istanbul ch-TUR Black's game is very solid, leading to a probable draw.

The problem is that he is t 92 Summary of 1 To :est the 'dogmas', it is very interesting : o analyse almost forgotten possibilities such as In these lines the :b. He appears throughout Part Two as White in many games. However, these factors are not :oo noticeable at this point, and White ontrols the situation.

An original and effective manoeuvre: the idea is. A Another popular line is Chapter 7 - Beyond Tarrasch: It also enables the manoeuvre The immediate sacrifice is interesting: Preventing The typical advance In order to activate the knight Now this knight is not defending d4.

The most desired moment for a French Defence player! The black pawn avalanche decides. Chapter 8 - Saito Mortale: 9. This may be the :nost aggressive idea for White. Black can choose from three creative defences. However, the counter-jump 9. In these original lines the black king moves back and forth.

Chinese Grandmaster Wang Hao fought like a samurai against his opponent's 'salto inortale '. Black is not afraid of entering the complications. Whl tl'ixcl 1 7. Wdl tl'ixe5 1 8. Smirnov, St Petersburg Wxf6 Kengis-Moskalenko, Lviv 1 ; B An evergreen check. The alternative is 1 This is probably not the only possible plan: 1 White must keep the queens on the board.

Holding off the white rooks. The only serious mistake in this game happens to be decisive. TRICK: WgS and now, if W analysis diagram A desirable endgame for Black. Wfl d3 Chapter 8 Saito Mortale: 9. Its resources are Still, this move has not een played too often in practice. The white king will be a target. Psakhis's recommendation for White is 1 7. Horvath-Bakk, Budapest 1 In the stem game with The advantage will be on the side of the player who has analysed these positions better and understands them more deeply.

Key moments: Black can choose from three defences: 9. In the main line, after 9. If Black plays the 'logical' White aims to block the centre with the following plan: ,. In my opinion, this is the most effective answer.

Black prepares the fianchetto There are three main alternatives: A As usual, taking the central pawn straight away is dangerous: For instance: 1 Vb4 is more passive: 1 3. VaS White's best idea. So, analysis diagram 1 O. Yc7 l 1. The most aggressive reaction is 8.

See the next game. Rajlich, Budapest Preparing a counterattack with the f-pawn. Other moves have even less point: Gurevich, Cap d'Agde ; Gurevich, St Vincent 1 He needs to open up rhe position, preparing However, 1 Wxh7 1 7.

Playing on the Internet is always easier: A step on the path towards defeat. After 1 9. Later, in the event of the solid From move 1 0 onwards, The final summary of 7. This advance is more logical against the fianchetto. With a blocked centre, Black is passive and his king is unsafe. Chapter 9 Fianchetto versus Symmetry: 7.

Va2 1 8. Socko, Novi Sad Ech-tt W Vb6 :-t-. Vxb2 :-t-. I;lb3 and now the critical ::esponse is 1 Absurd, but not necessarily bad! The knight goes back to its home square to free the path for the queen's bishop. Let us check some important alternatives: A The most popular continuation is quite absurd as well: 9. With two extra pawns, 3lack is threatening Generally speaking, this is Black's best resource in this line.

A sharp attack, invented by a still young star, Fabiano Caruana. A genuine duel arises after Wxg2 'iYxh4 l S. Wxgl kc6 1 8. We2D Oratovsky-Moskalenko, Reus rapid Here, for instance, 1 Black is strong in the centre, so Vxf6 1 7.

E Eventually, I have managed to execute the same plan as if White had played 8. The position is not so clear after The blockade does not work. This is exactly -. Symmetry' 7. White must revert to central action - his d4-pawn is in trouble - and solve the problem of his queenside development.

In the attack against the centre Black can combine three important resources:. Michael Adams, Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu and other grandmasters have won several games with white, but later Mikhail Gurevich, Evgeny Bareev and the author of this book, among others, improved the line and its statistics.

Since it is hard to imagine a thematic tournament where all doubts will be resolved, we will have to wait for new games in this line! Among the 9 1 5 games played in this line, we find the names of some specialists on the French Defence, such as Botvinnik, Petrosian, Kortchnoi, Portisch, Short, Yusupov, Knaak, Moskalenko This non-standard move has a sound positional idea: Black is intending to force the favourable exchange of light-squared bishops by 7.

However, this plan is rather slow and it gives White several additional tempi for his development. White can choose between two main plans: f2-f4, strengthening his centre with a 'concrete pawn wall ' , or, alternatively, the knight manoeuvre 7.

The two resources can also be combined. After a crisis was experienced in this uncomfortable for Black set-up, many grandmasters abandoned the 6. I have made a deep investigation of this, my favourite scheme, trying to reanimate it. I even delved into Mikhail Botvinnik's fundamental key ideas! What I especially learned about was the kind of positions Black should avoid. White has two different plans in this position, but he can also combine both of them.

Another useful move is the king's knight manoeuvre 7. See Game 30 for all the ideas with this knight. The automatic response 7. A radical concept. White keeps his bishop as an extra attacking resource. Black must react in an ultra-active way. Chapter I O Plan with the Exchange. A successful end to a long journey Black won on move 28, Ortel-Moskalenko, Cannes ; B 8.

In this game there were some interesting hidden resources: 1 O. Theoretically, the development of the However, for The Flexible French I already found a few fresh games with In the 1 s I spent some time studying the series of books about strategy written by Aaron Nimzowitsch.

Chess might need a 'New System' in the 2 1 st Century! White prepares g2-g4 and Black should wait, since at the moment he has no counterplay. The book contains a more or less complete French repertoire for Black. Yet Moskalenko also presents quite a few weapons and opportunities for White.

Viktor Moskalenko is an International Grandmaster and a well-known chess coach.


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