So, this keybook is available in pdf. This book is both for ICS part 2 and FSc pre-engineering part 2 students who have taken math as a subjects. The purpose of adding this key book here is to serve the students in their educational life. Students are really looking for a maths keybook which they can download in pdf. When you click on the download button, the book lying on the internet will either open in a new tab or start downloading directly. You can download as well as you can view the notes without downloading in case you have a jeopardized internet connection.
Exercise 4. Exercise 5. Following the chapter of vector algebra, you will now learn how to use it into three-dimensional geometry.
In this chapter, you will learn the basic concepts of 3D geometry, which includes the following —. Direction cosines and Direction Ratios of a line. Equation of a line in space. The angle between two lines. The shortest distance between two lines. Plane surface. Co-planarity of two lines. The angle between two planes.
The distance of a point from a plane. The angle between a line and a plane. Additionally, these topics are followed by different examples and summary section to conclude the chapter.
Optimisation problems are a crucial section of mathematics, and one of its popular sub-types is linear programming. You have already studied the concept of linear programming and its everyday applications. Moreover, in class 11, you have previously studied the same with the help of graphical representations. Additionally, in this chapter, you will learn about linear programming via graphical representations. There is only one topic included in this chapter, i.
Under this section, there are various examples and exercises for you to solve. In the previous classes, you have already studied probability as a way of measuring uncertainty of outcomes during various experiments. Hence, we have discussed the axiomatic approach coined by the Russian Mathematician, A. Moreover, we have treated probability as an outcome of experiments.
Additionally, you have also studied the equivalence between classical theory and axiomatic theory, in case of similar outcomes. Furthermore, in this chapter, you will learn the concept of conditional probability, Bayes theorem, multiplication rule, and independent events.
Additionally, the idea of a random variable, the probability distribution is also discussed here. In the penultimate section of this chapter, you will study Binomial distribution.
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