Ashrae 62.1 pdf 2013 free download

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Please verify your device supports this format before purchasing. Amazon Kindle readers may not support the. Contact bookstore ashrae. The revision adds a number of changes to remove inconsistencies and improve clarity. Other changes include modifying the Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness for underfloor air distribution systems that meet certain conditions, an increase in the required MERV rating for filters upstream of wetted cooling coils, the addition of a performance path for determining exhaust requirements, the addition of refrigerated warehouses to Table , and modification of the requirements for water used in humidification systems.

October Standard To view this format, you must have a reader program installed that supports. Please verify your device supports this format before purchasing. Amazon Kindle readers may not support the. Contact bookstore ashrae. The revision adds a number of changes to remove inconsistencies and improve clarity. Other changes include modifying the Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness for underfloor air distribution systems that meet certain conditions, an increase in the required MERV rating for filters upstream of wetted cooling coils, the addition of a performance path for determining exhaust requirements, the addition of refrigerated warehouses to Table , and modification of the requirements for water used in humidification systems.

October Standard January Standard June Interpretation IC March Interpretation IC Class 2 air may be re-desig- 2. Class 3 air may be re-desig- the attached parking garage into the adjacent occupiable nated as Class 1 air in the process of recovering energy when spaces of the building. Air shall be 5. A mixture of air that has been trans- classified, and its recirculation shall be limited in accordance ferred through or returned from more than one classification with the following sections.

Air return, transfer, or exhaust priate for the part of the mixture that has the highest contam- air leaving each space or location shall be designated at an inant concentration. For example, air returned from both a expected air-quality classification not less than that shown in Class 1 and a Class 2 space served by a common system must Tables or or as approved by the authority having be designated as Class 2 air.

When the Ventilation 3. Adjacent spaces otherwise required to be held at neg- 5. Class 1 air may be recirculated or ative pressure and posted with signs due to the pres- transferred to any space. Class 2 air may be recirculated within the space of origin.

Class 2 air may be transferred or 5. Solid walls, floors, ceilings, and doors recirculated to other Class 2 or Class 3 spaces utilized for the equipped with automatic closing mechanisms shall separate same or similar purpose or task and involving the same or sim- ETS areas from ETS-free areas. Class 2 air may be recirculated or trans- ferred to Class 4 spaces. Class 2 air shall not be recirculated or Exception: Openings without doors are permitted in the transferred to Class 1 spaces.

Class 3 air may be recirculated conditions such as wind gusts. Class 3 air shall not be recirculated or transferred to any other space. Note: Examples of methods for demonstrating air motion 5.

Class 4 air shall not be recirculated are engineering analysis and the use of a directional airflow or transferred to any space nor recirculated within the space of indicator at representative locations in the opening, such as on origin. Design documentation shall indi- in standard testing and balancing procedures, such as those cate the justification for classification of air from any location described in ASHRAE Standard When air is transferred from ETS- 5.

Such buildings shall be constructed and operated in Acceptable means of doing so include fixed openings in accordance with Sections 5. This section doors, walls, or floors, transfer grilles, transfer ducts, or does not purport to achieve acceptable indoor air quality in unducted air plenums with air pressure differentials in com- ETS areas.

All spaces shall be classified as 5. Exhaust or relief air from an areas. ETS area shall be discharged such that none of the air is recir- Note: Examples of methods for demonstrating relative culated back into any ETS-free area. A sign shall be posted outside each measurement, and airflow measurement. Dwelling units, including hotel and motel gues- letters at least 1 in.

This Note: Based on the definition of ETS area, such a sign exception shall apply only when: may be posted outside a larger ETS area that includes the area 1. An area that was previously an tance to air leakage; continuity of the barrier shall ETS area, but now meets the requirements of an ETS-free be maintained at openings for pipes, ducts, and area, may be classified as such after intentional or allowed other conduits and at points where the barrier smoke exposure has stopped and odor and irritation from meets the outside walls and other barriers; and residual ETS contaminants are not apparent.

Air-cleaning devices for ozone shall be provided when the second-highest daily maximum one-hour This section is not required for natural ventilation average concentration exceeds 0. The systems; natural ventilation systems shall be designed in ozone concentration for design purposes shall be determined accordance with Section 5.

Either the Ventilation Rate Procedure or the or equivalent. IAQ Procedure shall be used to design each ventilation system Note: Monitored values for historical one-hour average in a building, subject to the following considerations and ozone concentrations are available for United States locations restrictions.

Such devices shall be operated whenever outdoor typical for the listed space types. This is a design procedure in Note: For United States locations, the one-hour average which outdoor air intake rates and other system design param- ozone concentration is expected to exceed the 0. This forecast targets. The IAQ Procedure allows credit to be taken for con- is available in local media or at the AIRNow Web site, located trols that remove contaminants for example, air-cleaning under www.

The minimum system design outdoor air intake flow concentrations equal to or lower than those achieved using the results in 1. Ventilation Rate Procedure. The IAQ Procedure may also be b. Controls are provided that sense outdoor ozone level used where the design is intended to attain specific target con- and reduce intake airflow to result in 1. Outdoor air is brought into the building and heated 6. The design outdoor air by direct-fired, makeup air units. When the building is located in an area where the national standard for Note: Additional explanation of terms used below is one or more contaminants not specifically addressed in Sec- contained in Appendix A, along with a ventilation system tion 6.

If outdoor air is judged to included in the design documents. Zone parameters shall be deter- tion system that provides outdoor air through a supply fan mined in accordance with Sections 6. Note: In some cases it is acceptable to determine these Exception: Systems supplying air for enclosed parking parameters for only selected zones as outlined in Appendix A.

Particulate matter filters or air cleaners expected to occupy the zone during typical usage. The design design, it shall be an estimated value based on the uncorrected outdoor air intake Vou shall be determined in zone floor area and the default occupant density accordance with Equation Note: These values are based on adapted occupants.

Alternative methods may be used ing the outdoor air required at the breathing zone. The use of to account for population diversity when calculating Vou, Equation in the context of this standard does not necessar- provided that the resulting value is no less than that deter- ily imply that simple addition of sources can be applied to any mined by Equation Note: The uncorrected outdoor air intake Vou is 6.

The zone adjusted for diversity but uncorrected for ventilation effi- air distribution effectiveness Ez shall be determined using ciency. Table The design outdoor air 6. The design zone out- intake flow Vot shall be determined in accordance with door airflow Voz , i. Ventilation systems 6. When one air handler sup- shall be designed to be capable of providing the required ven- plies a mixture of outdoor air and recirculated air to only one tilation rates in the breathing zone whenever the zones served zone, the outdoor air intake flow Vot shall be determined in by the system are occupied, including all full- and part-load accordance with Equation When one air handler will be varied or interrupted for a short period of time, the supplies only outdoor air to one or more zones, the outdoor design may be based on the average conditions over a time air intake flow Vot shall be determined in accordance with period T determined by Equation Equation Zones with fluctuating occupancy: the zone population Pz where Vpz is the zone primary airflow, i.

Zones with intermittent interruption of supply air: the aver- recirculated return air. Systems with intermittent closure of the outdoor air intake: 6. The system ven- the average outdoor air intake over time T shall be no less tilation efficiency Ev shall be determined using Table or than the minimum outdoor air intake Vot calculated using Appendix A. Equation , , or as appropriate. Rates for smoking-permitted spaces must be determined using other methods.

See Section 6. Rates may be adjusted for actual density but such adjustment is not required for compliance with this standard. B Rate may not be sufficient when stored materials include those having potentially harmful emissions.

C Rate does not allow for humidity control. Additional ventilation or dehumidification may be required to remove moisture. D Rate does not include special exhaust for stage effects, e. F Default occupancy for dwelling units shall be two persons for studio and one-bedroom units, with one additional person for each additional bedroom. G Air from one residential dwelling shall not be recirculated or transferred to any other space outside of that dwelling.

The system may be designed to 6. These condi- Exhaust makeup air may be any combination of outdoor air, tions include but are not limited to: recirculated air, and transfer air.

Smoking areas 1. Specific ventilation rate requirements requirements will be reset. Air from smoking areas shall not be recirculated or direct count of occupants, or an estimate of occupancy or transferred to no-smoking areas.

The Indoor Air 2. Variations in the efficiency with which outdoor air is Quality IAQ Procedure is a performance-based design distributed to the occupants under different ventilation approach in which the building and its ventilation system are system airflows and temperatures.

A higher fraction of outdoor air in the air supply due to nants at or below certain limits identified during the building intake of additional outdoor air for free cooling or exhaust design and to achieve the design target level of perceived air makeup. Ceiling supply of cool air. For each con- Ceiling supply of warm air and floor return. See Appendix B for space temperature and ceiling return.

The criteria to fpm 0. Floor supply of cool air and ceiling return provided that 6. Select one or a combina- the fpm 0. Note: Most underfloor air dis- mum space and system outdoor airflow rates and all other tribution systems comply with this proviso. Mass balance analysis. The steady-state equations in Floor supply of warm air and floor return. Approaches validated by contaminant monitoring and 2. An acceptable approach to subjective evaluation is 4.

When the IAQ Procedure is used, 1. For values of Zp between 0. The values of Ev in this table are based on a 0. For systems with higher exposure periods and the references for these limits, the values of the average outdoor air fraction, this table may result in unrealistically low values of Ev and the use of Appendix A may yield more practical results.

For the purposes of this procedure, acceptable per- If the design is based on an approach that has proved success- ceived indoor air quality excludes dissatisfaction related to ful for similar buildings, the documentation shall include the thermal comfort, noise and vibration, lighting, and psycho- basis for concluding that the design approach was successful logical stressors.

If contaminant with the requirements in the following sections. Contaminants of con- strate compliance, then the monitoring and evaluation plans cern for purposes of the design shall be identified. For each shall also be included in the documentation.

Provide the higher rate where periods of heavy use are expected to occur, e. The lower rate may be used otherwise. E Rate is for a toilet room intended to be occupied by one person at a time. For continuous system operation during normal hours of use, the lower rate may be used. Otherwise use the higher rate. F See other applicable standards for exhaust rate.

G For continuous system operation, the lower rate may be used. Design criteria and rain and other sources of moisture by appropriate in-transit assumptions shall be documented and should be made available and on-site procedures. Porous materials with visible micro- for operation of the system within a reasonable time after instal- bial growth shall not be installed. Nonporous materials with lation. See Sections 4.

The requirements of Section 7. The requirements of this section apply erate significant amounts of airborne particles or procedures to ventilation systems and the spaces they serve in new build- that generate significant amounts of gaseous contaminants. Measures shall be 7. Systems designed with particle filters shall employed to reduce the migration of construction-generated not be operated without filters in place.

Examples of acceptable mea- 7. Air duct systems 7. An air balance report documenting the work performed Flexible Duct for Section 7.

Construction drawings of record, control drawings, and Duct final design drawings. Design criteria and assumptions. Casing and Plenum Construction Standards b. The requirements of this section apply dard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air- to buildings and their ventilation systems and their compo- Conditioning Systems nents constructed or renovated after the adoption date of this section.

The ventilation sys- 7. The requirements of this section apply tem shall be operated and maintained at a minimum in accor- to the following ventilation systems: dance with the provisions of this standard.

Ventila- a. Newly installed air-handling systems. Existing air-handling systems undergoing supply air or reevaluated when changes in building use or occupancy cate- outdoor airflow reduction—only the requirements of Sec- gory, significant building alterations, significant changes in tion 7.

Existing air-handling distribution systems undergoing design assumptions are made. An Operations Section 7.

Ventilation systems shall be bal- trally accessible location for the working life of the applicable anced in accordance with ASHRAE Standard ,21 ventilation system equipment or components. To minimize conditions of 8. Mechanical and natu- water stagnation that may result in microbial growth, drain pans shall be field tested under normal operating conditions to ral ventilation systems shall be operated in a manner consis- ensure proper drainage.

Exception: Field testing of drain pans is not required if 8. The building fied attested in writing by the manufacturer for proper ventilation system components shall be maintained in accor- drainage when installed as recommended. Ventilation air distri- and summarized in Table All filters 7. B Visually inspect or remotely monitor for proper function. C Clean and maintain to limit fouling and microbial growth.

D Visually inspect for cleanliness and microbial growth and clean when fouling is observed. E Visually inspect for cleanliness and integrity and clean when necessary. F Verify accuracy and recalibrate or replace as necessary.

G Measure minimum quantity of outdoor air. H Treat to limit the growth of microbiological contaminants. I Maintain to prevent transport of contaminants from the floor drain to the plenum. J Keep clear the space provided for routine maintenance and inspection around ventilation equipment. K Investigate and rectify. Outdoor air 8. Humidifiers shall be cleaned and intake louvers, bird screens, mist eliminators, and adjacent maintained to limit fouling and microbial growth.

When visible debris or Manual. All dehumidifying Physical damage to louvers, screens, or mist eliminators shall cooling coils shall be visually inspected for cleanliness and be repaired if such damage impairs their function in prevent- microbial growth regularly when it is likely that dehumidifi- ing contaminant entry. National Fire Pro- 8. The total quan- tection Association, Quincy, MA. If measured brook, IL. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. A redline Multi-User document gives you the both the ability to compare all the changes between the active standard and the previous version and to provide you with access for up to nine users.

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