You play as Henry Stein, a retired animator who is visiting the studio where you once worked. Wander through the halls, where the ink comes alive, as you discover logs revealing more of the story. All the characters within the game are creatively designed to look inky with a dash of horror. There are a variety of items you can find, but the axe is the most useful tool out of all of them. The intro to Bendy is short, as you switch the ink machine on relatively soon.
These riddles are challenging, you may spend well over an hour in one chapter attempting to piece them all together. The reason they take so long is due to the lack of hints available. Bendy and The Ink Machine is a great game to play with a unique graphics style that truly immerses you.
Descriptions Comments Bendy and the Ink Machine Free Download Repacklab Bendy and the Ink Machine Free Download is a first person puzzle action horror game that begins in the far days past of animation and ends in a very dark future. Share this post Digg Tweet Stumbleupon delicious reddit Facebook. Related Posts. V Build Unlimited Edition.
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Iron Harvest Free Download. Comment by Repacklab. Honey Select 2. Repacklab have over Repacklab includes EXE and didn't open and on windows it opened and then justed shutdown informing that 'bendy nd the ink machine. Yeah what do I do????
I do not have a mac and i didn't develop the game, the files are from themeatly's old bendy game, it's nothing like the bendy now, get it on steam, i just reuploadead. I have a little problem Can someone help me? And then you see there's nothing in folder whrere should be version for mac. Also this is not the newer but still old chapter 2 version, it's the first ever bendy version released to the public. After being invited back to visit the old animation studio, you left years ago you find an empty office.
Venture through the sepia corridors and find out where everyone is. Well, I finally got round to playing through the whole thing and I found myself incredibly invested in this fascinating and messed up world!
A huge part of the reason why this game clicked for me was the story. The story is so good that I am going to not spoil anything major for you guys as it is the kind of thing that is best-experienced firsthand and spoiler-free. The basics of the story are that you play as a character called Henry who worked as an animator for many years back in the 30s.
The real meat and potatoes of the story is finding out what exactly happened here and trying to stop it. This game is just pure eye candy and the way it is made to look like old cartoons from the s is handled phenomenally well.
The various characters you encounter especially your dog companion Boris all look like they could have been designed by Walt Disney himself. One of the things that I did not notice right away was the use of color or the lack of.
I really cannot say enough things praising the game's visuals. There is also some fantastic voice acting here. These are well worth finding, especially if you find the story of the game as fascinating as I do. There are elements of horror here and everything wants you dead. However, there is no item or ammo management or stuff like that, which I am actually thankful for. The game is split into different chapters and the gameplay is all done from the first-person point of view. You will need to explore and solve various puzzles.
Most of the time puzzles are you finding keys, releasing valves, and that kind of thing. You will get tasks to do for a certain character and finding out what is going on and also surviving are the main goals that Henry has.