But with a free torrent client, you can download pieces of the files you want from different people who already have them, leading to faster download times. It will do all the hard work for you as well, piecing together those files like a jigsaw.
All of the best free torrent clients will have their own strengths, with varying features to help manage these large files. With this in mind, we've collated all the biggest names and put them to the test to see which of the best torrent clients on the market would best suit your needs. Our ranking for the best free torrent clients considers everything from user experience and adverts, through to how well it can integrate with other applications so regardless where your preferences lay, we have you covered with our in-depth reviews.
Torrents have a bad reputation due to piracy, but they aren't illegal in themselves and have lots of legitimate uses, including downloading open source software and material that's in the public domain.
It all depends on the content you're downloading. Provided the copyright holder has given permission for the file to be shared this way it's fine, but using torrents to download content you'd otherwise have to pay for is not legal. We strongly advise you get a great VPN for torrenting The only way to keep yourself safe and anonymous when torrenting is to use a VPN.
A VPN encrypts all your internet activity and passes it through a secure tunnel so that no one can see what you're reading or downloading - not even your ISP or the VPN service itself.
One click and you're protected. This also allows you to unblock sites like The Pirate Bay, or access foreign versions of Netflix. Some torrent clients offer every function imaginable. Others keep things as simple as possible. It boasts an integrated torrent search engine, media player, encryption, prioritisation of torrents and the files within those torrents, IP filtering and torrent creation, and it's the closest open source, junk-free equivalent to uTorrent.
If you're looking for a cross-platform torrent client that covers the essentials without getting overly complicated, qBittorrent is great. Read our full qBittorrent review. Vuze formerly Azureus claims to be the most powerful BitTorrent client on Earth.
We're not sure how it ranks on other planets, but it's certainly a serious contender for that title. There are two flavours: the stripped-back Vuze Leap, and the fully fledged Vuze Plus. Both offer torrent download, media playback and support for magnet file links, but Vuze Plus adds integrated virus protection and the ability to preview media files.
One of Vuze's key selling points is its interface, which slices through jargon and makes even the more advanced features accessible to new users. Vuze also offers bandwidth limiting, IP filtering, and all the other features you'd expect from a robust torrent client. Definitely one of the first options to consider.
Read our full Vuze review. Deluge has been around forever, and it can be as simple or as powerful as you want it to be, making it one of the most versatile free torrent clients out there. That's because it's extendable via plug-ins, which effectively enable you to build your own personalised version of Deluge. Fancy something that resembles uTorrent without the unwanted software?
It helps you to preview certain file types, build in video and audio. Deluge is a BitTorrent client written in Python. BiglyBT is an open-source, ad-free, BitTorrent client. The tool helps you to search proxy results, subscriptions, and internal browser connections.
It also allows RSS to chat publishers for sharing content streams via chat. ZbigZ is another known torrent tool that allows you to store anonymously, download, and stream torrent files through cloud services. This torrent file download tool does not need any installation, and no configuration is needed.
It is one of the best torrent program which provides support for server-side caching. It also allows you to stream videos you upload directly from Put. Triber is easy to use torrent downloader client. It is one of the best torrent file downloader tool that offers anonymous downloads. This torrent client tool also allows you to search for the content according to your need.
JSTorrent is a torrent client extension for Google Chrome. Runs everywhere in pure JavaScript. It is a torrent client for Chrome and ChromeOS that is simple and easy to use.
ExpressVPN secures internet browsing against three-letter agencies and scammers. It offers unlimited access to music, social media, and video such that these programs never log IP addresses, browsing history, DNS queries, or traffic destination.
Torrent clients is a tool for downloading files that utilize a peer to peer system. This torrent software allows you to find the files, download them more quickly, and manage them all in one accessible place.
Torrents have a bad reputation due to piracy. Skip to content Torrent client is a software for downloading files that utilize a peer to peer system. There are two ways to protect your torrent downloads: Using the proxy server as most of the popular torrent program support proxy servers.
Download torrents using a VPN. Here are important useful features of torrent clients: Platform Compatibility: It should be compatible with various platforms. Ease of Use: Operating a torrent client should be easy.
Price: It is should be free or be available at an affordable cost. Report a Bug. Previous Prev. Next Continue.
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